Abstract: From the preservation of our printmaking programs to reestablishing print spaces as inclusive and accessible for all students, academic institutions can prove to be challenging and often precarious spaces to navigate for emerging and established professors. Sometimes it would prove easier to burn academia down and from the ashes start again. Thus, this panel and open forum will serve as a space for educators and individuals in higher education to skill swap. The panel will consist of four individuals at different periods of their academic careers who share their stories and then open up to a larger group dialogue. We invite educators from all academic institutions and career levels to share innovations, adaptations, and experiences that have assisted them in navigating academia today. Our goal is that through lateral education we can move forward together, support our creative community, and continue to positively inspire the next generation of printmakers and educators.
Alanna Austin - Institute of American Indian Arts
Juana Estrada Hernandez - Rhode Island School of Design
Joseph Lupo - West Virginia University
Laura Golobish - Ball State University
Brittany Gorelick - Fort Hayes State University
Brett Taylor - Mount Holyoke College
This panel will consider how printmaking practices for Artists/ Researchers/ Teachers necessitate transitions from traditional studio’s notions into more accessible and inclusive standards of printmaking. This panel will explore diverse conceptualizations of accessible printmaking through the lenses of printmaking practitioners that have made print more accessible for themselves and others. These adaptations consider an expanse of inclusions and innovations to traditional print practices, exhibition formats, community organization, resource sharing, and/or teaching methods. The artists, printmakers, and educators on this panel explore how to transition conceptual accommodations into more accessible realities of printmaking.
Kit MacNeil –University of Toronto - Massey College
Becci Spruill - New Mexico Tech
Alexey Lazarev- Atelier Circulaire
Kat Chudy - Florida State University
Ross Mazzupappa - Bowling Green State University
Brett Taylor - Denison University Studio Art
In Daniel Buren’s (1971) essay, The Function of the Studio, he posits the following: “Analysis of the art system must inevitably be carried on in terms of the studio, as the unique space of production and the museum as a unique space of exposition. Both must be investigated as customs, ossifying customs of art. What is the function of the studio?” Due to the health concerns resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, printmaking practices for Artist/ Researcher/ Teacher necessitated transitions from the studio’s conventional notions into new arenas and formats. This panel will explore diverse conceptualizations of post-studio printmaking as the Covid-19 shift has ushered forth opportunities for new adaptations, whether that be into traditional print practices, exhibition formats, community organization, the sharing of resources, or teaching methods. The artists and printmakers on this panel explore conceptual spaces opened up by these new problems to transform how we see and shape our worlds.
Christopher Thomas – UNC – Greensboro Academic Professional, Director of Foundations, Printmaking & Drawing
Tatianna Potts – Visiting Print Professor – Hartford University
Henry Gepfer – Adjunct Professor at Gettysburg College/Risolve Studio
Kathryn Koca Polite – Assistant Curator & Publications Specialist, Krannert Art Museum
Acuzena Trejo Williams – Assistant Professor – Campbellsville University
Matthew Letzelter – Associate Professor at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, Chair of the MFA in Print Media Program
Samuel Peck
Brett Taylor